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10 Facts about Golden Retriever Worth to know before Buying

Facts Worth to Know before Buying Golden Retriever Golden Retriever is a medium-large sized dog breed that was first bred in Scotland . According to AKC Golden Retrievers are America's most popular breed and lie on 3rd number on the list of most popular breed of dogs. Golden Retriever are good family pet dogs, they are friendly and kind to the children. The fact worth knowing before buying is that they are not one-man dogs and behave similarly with the stranger and the person familiar with and this makes them poor guard dogs. They only barks at the person stranger in the house and once they become familiar they become friendly with that person. Early they were considered the hunting dogs and were used in retrieving the waterfowl such as ducks on the field. But today they are more considered to be the best companion. There are still some dogs which are used in retrieving and they are trained from an early age and they are best retrieving dogs because The breed has a soft mo

Top 10 Facts about Labrador Retriever

Facts about Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever is a medium-sized breed of dogs Originated from Newfoundland, Often people confuse his name with his location of origin. In fact, labs are originated from Newfoundland rather than Labrador (Highly populous region of Canada).  Their official name is Labrador Retriever. 
They completely serve the purpose of retrieving in cold water as we see their body, double-coat, their ears, and tail. They went into the water and when they come out the should be pleasing and the ears do not cover the eyes. Moreover, their double-coat repelled water, and their paws help in swimming. They were formed from the breeding of small water dogs with Newfoundland breed of dogs. They can be used for different purposes like hunting dogs, guide dogs for blind people, therapy dogs, Retrieving dogs (used for hunting of birds), as a pet, and in bomb detection. 
According to AKC Labradors are on the fourth number among the list Retrieving dogs and among these retrieving dogs, Labradors have a strong and wide chest between the shoulders which helps in moving faster in water and these dogs act like a boat.

Photo of Labrador Retriever sitting on grass
Photo by Vlad CheÈ›an from Pexels

1. Appearance

Facts about his appearance are that the Labradors have a double coat on their body which includes an inner coat and an outer coat which is oily and water-resistant which helps them in swimming.
Average life = 12-13 years

Male= 22-25 inches
Female= 21-22 inches

Male= 65-80 lbs
Female= 55-70 lbs

2. Difference between English and American labs

According to labrador site, Both of the dogs belong to the same breed of dogs but there are some differences in them like English labs are not working dogs because they were bred to show rings where appearance matters and they are less active, calm and quiet in nature whereas American labs are were bred to take part in different competitions and they are active and run faster because at field speed matters the most.
When it comes to their appearance the English labs have strong looks with a wider chest and thick neck whereas American labs look more like an elite athlete.

Two white Labrador Retriever sitting on the grass
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

3. Temperament Facts

Both English and American labs will be loving, friendly, intelligent, dependable, and outgoing, with a strong desire to please their humans. But when it comes to Temperament facts You should expect the American Lab to be more active. People originally bred these dogs for working and field trials. That doesn't mean that English labs are not worth to buy Remember that both belong to the same family and All Labs are known for their high energy, but American Labs are like elite athletes. This is a dog with stamina and energy to burn.

Photo by Caleb Fisher on Unsplash

4. Health Facts

Labrador is a healthy breed But they have some inherited health problems Which can be Treated through early checks like 
  • Hip and elbow dysplasia
  • Knee problems
  • Eye problems
  • Myopathy
  • Autoimmune 
  • Deafness
  • Obesity
These problems can be Treated through good care of your labs and some regular checkups.

Labrador Retriever relaxing on bed due to illness
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

5. They were bred to help Fisher-men

In their earlier, the small water dogs were used by the fisher to pull the net of fishes out of cold water of labrador in Canada Later on the small water dogs were bred with the Newfoundland to produce st. john's water dog consisting characteristics of both breeds, the ancestor of today's lab. After that, this job was taken by labradors to pull the net out of cold water and bring back the fish which falls in the water.

Wet Black Labrador Retriever coming out of water
Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

6. Labrador as a pet

Labradors are Tremendously good with children so they are sure to make a wonderful addition to your family. These friendly dogs not only get along with all kinds of people, but they’re also amiable with other dogs and pets. Labrador trained from an early age is the best option to keep as a pet in a house full of children. This breed of dogs requires daily exercise so the families with an active, outdoor lifestyle who want a dog that can keep up with them, are sure to meet their match in the Labrador.

Man chilling outdoor with his Labrador Retriever
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

7. Easy to Groom

If you are thinking to keep a Labrador as a pet then you might be thinking of his cleaning and grooming. Labradors are easy to maintain like a regular brush and an occasional bath is enough to keep a Labrador clean and tidy. The shedding of Labradors takes place twice a year but it can vary across individuals. Their nails grow faster so requires regular clipping, their ears need to wax occasionally to prevent deafness and a regular brushing of teeth can keep their teeth healthy and clean.

Photo by Jen Vazquez Photography on Unsplash

8. Their relation with other pets in the house

Labradors are known for their obedience and harmless nature to his owner's family and other pets in the house. They are strong dogs and need early training otherwise they can easily drag down a person. From other people's experience and researches, it is proved that labs are good with other pets like cats, parrots in the house Moreover they are known to guard other pets also in their house. 

White Labrador watching cat pet
Photo by Alexis Chloe on Unsplash

9. Popularity and Intelligence.

The Most amazing fact about labs is that according to AKC Labradors are America's most popular breed and comes on number one in the list of most popular breeds of America. They are a very intelligent breed. According to Stanley Coren, they are number 7 on the list of most intelligent dog breeds. Making it one of the brightest dogs out of 138 breeds tested.

White Labrador Retriever revieving love from his owner
Photo by Steshka Willems from Pexels

10. They are used in Bomb detection.

Dogs are considered the most effective bomb detectors Million dollars were spent on research and development, But no machine or technology has proven to be more successful in detecting explosives than a dog. MSA uses German shepherds and other sporting breeds in bomb detection But according to them, Labradors are their most common canine when it comes to bomb detection.


As we see the above-mentioned facts about Labrador Retriever dogs we came to the conclusion that the creation of this breed was not less than a miracle. If you are thinking to keep a Labrador as a guard dog, as a pet, therapy dog, companion, and for military and police works then this breed is the best option without considering other Breed of dogs.



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